Executive Coaching

Lean is a process by which managers work as leaders and coaches to develop people so that desired results can be achieved effectively, again and again. In the context of IT, this means designing technology that fully supports the people who use it, and developing people to innovate new ways of using technology.

IT is at the heart of modern business operations, processing increasing amounts of data ever faster. No organisation can keep up with the pace of modern business without an effective technology infrastructure. Yet waste in this area remains unacceptably high, and most of it is due to poor communication between IT professionals and business users.

Creating an integrated ICT value stream requires a change of management thinking. DCG-SMS has the know-how and experience to guide the executive team through a successful, sustainable lean transformation of the whole technology infrastructure.

Contact info@dcg-sms.com or call +44(0)843 289 5174 to talk to the Rightshifting team.

Five Steps to Sustainable Business Success


1. Diagnosis. How does the effectiveness of your organisation compare to the average?

Rightshifting Effectiveness The average software intensive value chain is highly ineffective at delivering the outcomes either commercial organizations or public services need. Most of the money and resources consumed by such systems is wasted.The top 20-25% of organizations, however, achieve business objectives effectively at a quarter of what it costs the average business to fail to achieve them.What makes the difference?

DCG-SMS has been studying and researching the causes of this endemic “left-drift” in industry at large for over a decade. We have worked with organizations delivering performance at the right-hand end of the graph.

Start your Rightshifting programme by talking to DCG-SMS. Problems with estimating, with requirements, with supplier management and project performance, problems of cost, staff turnover, lack of innovation, etc. may have their root causes in organisational and process issues. The DCG-SMS Symptomatic Diagnostic of Effectiveness will give you an informed and objective view of what is going on in the engine room of your business.


2. Investigation. What’s the ‘size of the prize’? What are my priorities?

The DCG-SMS transformation programme starts by asking where your value chain is on the effectiveness scale.How well does your existing system of work achieve yourbusiness objectives?Where are the biggest constraints on performance improvement?

Where is the optimum starting point?

How far do you want to go, and what do you want to achieve?
What is the scale of the opportunity for your business?

Using the findings of the Symptomatic Diagnostic as a guide, DCG-SMS will conduct the necessary Studies and Investigations which will give you the facts and figures you need to make the business case for Rightshifting.


3. Compiling the Business Case. Plan for success.

What is the comparative cost of standing still vs taking effective action?

What are the barriers to success? What are the risks and how can they be mitigated?

Which levers  will most effectively and efficiently deliver the results you need?

Following a tried and tested approach to benefits realization, DCG-SMS expertise across the whole development and delivery lifecycle enables you to budget your transformation programme realistically and plan for success.  Established quality and improvement models and frameworks can be used to support improved effectiveness. DCG-SMS offers comprehensive Gap Analysis against such models, and a range of  Feasability Studies to ensure you have all the necessary information to take major decisions about the scope and scale of your change programme.


4. Deciding. Win stakeholder engagement.

Your Rightshifting programme is not a “one size fits all” solution, but a programme tailored to meet the needs of your organisation. It’s about delivering more value to your stakeholders as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.Rightshifting is about changing attitudes and behaviours. One of the biggest barriers to Rightshifting is that you are likely to be starting out on the left of the effectiveness curve, which means your organisation is not set up to focus on value.  Those with whom the decision rests may be judging the case on different criteria. DCG-SMS works with stakeholders to understand and take ownership of the benefits of Rightshifting.DCG-SMS brings a wealth of know-how and experience to the table to inform your discussions and decision-making. We will help you decide what is going to work best for your people, in your circumstances. We are focused on achieving what you need to achieve in the short-term without damaging the long-term interests of the business. We’ll partner with you to achieve the consensus needed to start Rightshifting your organisation.

5. Implementing. Fast track to sustainable success

Making the decision takes you to the beginning of your Rightshifting journey. Now it needs a plan for how to implement, communicate and engage all the stakeholders in “making it so”. Nothing helps you get things moving more effectively than an Expert Guidewho can steer your team away from wasteful and discouraging dead-ends.DCG-SMS’ structured and methodical approach uses established, effective Lean techniques to rapidly transform your business into one which continually adapts and responds to a changing market. Quick-wins build commitment; iterative improvements deliver stakeholder value incrementally. It is a low-risk intervention which delivers both a quick return – fixing the issues you know you have now – and lasting benefit.
What’s New

DCG-SMS Webinar: Outcome Based Metrics 9th July 2013. Alan Cameron considers how project metrics need to change to keep pace with today's approaches to applications development.
Register. >>

DCG-SMS Webinar: Contracting for Agile
17th September 2013. Susan Atkinson of Keystone Law considers how the approach to contracting for software needs to change to leverage the business advantages of Agile.
Register >> 

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