Software Measurement Services

Quantity Surveyors of Information Systems

A quantity surveyor (QS) is a professional working within the construction industry concerned with identifying and controlling building costs.”

Information Systems are the critical hub of modern business operations. DCG-SMS provides the best professional know-how around to support business and public sector executives  who need an honest and objective assessment of what’s going on in the engine room of their organisation.

DCG-SMS partners business managers and IT professionals to identify root conditions, so you can see how to make the engine run better. We work with you to prioritise your improvement goals, support you in achieving them quickly, and help your organisation sustain them over time.

We provide specialist short-term resources to boost your team’s expertise.

Focus on value pulls improved performance

Focus on value pulls improved performance

It is often thought that speed of delivery, quality, cost and scope need to be traded off against each other  – faster delivery means higher cost; better quality carries a time penalty; etc.

This is not necessarily true. When a focus on delivering business value is achieved, it pulls through improvements in speed and quality, ensures costs are kept to a minimum and scope is managed effectively. So you can improve all the performance parameters.

The objective, quantitative approach supports you in achieving this change of thinking by increasing the know-how and capability of your development, maintenance and management teams.

Controlling Software Costs with Functional Size Measurement

DCG-SMS are leading European specialists in functional size measurement (FSM). FSM measures the functionality delivered by software to the user – i.e. the output of the software development process, the bit that matters to the business.

This business measure provides a sound basis for producing accurate estimates of software projects, ensuring value-for-money from software development, and improving productivity. It  brings enhanced business discipline to the process of managing software projects, and creates pressure to discuss and define requirements as they evolve rather than inventing a detailed specification up front. It makes costs and productivity visible, directly relating changes to requirements to development costs – particularly valuable for outsourcing partnerships.

Our consultancy team includes contributors to the ISO Workgroup which devised the most modern of the functional sizing methods, COSMIC. We are the prime providers of COSMIC training and support in the UK. Click here for more information about COSMIC.

We also support IFPUG and Mk2 functional size measurement.

Contact us at or call +44 (0)843 289 5174

Click here for a detailed
Guide to Software Measurement Services

Quantitative Methods

DCG-SMS take an engineering approach to the management of IT systems. Our objective expert analysis will get to the heart of any systems issue quickly and effectively. Whether your problems concern estimating, process performance, requirements management, cost control, outsourcing partnerships, service performance or value for money, DCG-SMS know-how is here to help you address it.

DCG-SMS engagements are informed by a rigorous focus on desired outcomes. Reports and recommendations are based on systematic collection and analysis of evidence. We are independent of all software suppliers, tools and methods. We measure success solely in terms of the outcome for our customers.

A typical DCG-SMS engagement will follow an augmented Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, Look-Ask-Model-Decide-Act:

What is the perceived issue that has flagged the need for a Quantity Surveyor of your information systems?

What are the underlying issues, how big is the problem, what are the priorities?

How might the issues be addressed in the context of your organisational constraints, (budget, operational needs, contractual obligations etc.)?

Discuss options and priorities, and agree how to proceed

Schedule and resource work packages.



What’s New

DCG-SMS Webinar: Outcome Based Metrics 9th July 2013. Alan Cameron considers how project metrics need to change to keep pace with today's approaches to applications development.
Register. >>

DCG-SMS Webinar: Contracting for Agile
17th September 2013. Susan Atkinson of Keystone Law considers how the approach to contracting for software needs to change to leverage the business advantages of Agile.
Register >> 

DCG Trusted Advisor
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DCG-SMS Webinar Archive
Click here to view DCG-SMS webinar recordings
Every CIO's Guide to Risk Management
Click here for presentations from the Executive Seminar held at the British Library on 18th April 2012
Click here for presentations from the following events:-
  • Application Lifecycle M'ment Forum
  • Lean & Agile Seminars
  • Enterprise Architecture Forum

  • Business Measurement and Improvement Forum
    Click here for presentations from DCG-SMS Forums
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