Agile Business Metrics – Sizing User Stories with the COSMIC FSM Method

Measuring software output using COSMIC Size Units can be used to determine comparable business metrics such as productivity, velocity and quality in Agile development.


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Speakers and expert witnesses

DCG-SMS is dedicated to achieving sustainable business operations that are a pleasure to do business with – and to work for. We believe reducing the waste of money, talent and resources in business systems to be a vital factor in realising the full potential of the information revolution.

Bob Marshall coined the term “Rightshifting” to describe the journey from low productivity and poor realisation of business goals to a successful, efficient, sustainable operation. Based on the tenet that ‘effectiveness drives efficiency’, the UK Rightshifting Network is a group dedicated to promoting more effective practices across both the private and public sectors. “Rightshifting” is not a methodology or a model. It is about releasing the creative value of people to increase the value delivered to all stakeholders – and, primarily, to consumers and tax-payers throughout the world.

The ultimate arbiter of effectiveness is the results. The debate about effective ways of “Rightshifting” continues. If your event would like to include the topic of Rightshifting Effectiveness, DCG-SMS will be pleased to provide a range of knowledgeable speakers on the subject. If you need to make a case for action to your stakeholders, please call on one of our “expert witnesses” for the facts and figures researched by the Rightshifting Network.

Contact Sue Rule s.rule@dcg-sms.com, tel. +44 (0) 843.2895174, for more information.

Topics covered:

Accountability; Agile; Analysis; Application Management; Appraisal; Audit; Balanced Scorecard; Benchmarking; Benefits Realisation; Best Practice; Budgetting; Business Cases; Business Value; Capability; Change; Chaordic organisation; CMMI; COSMIC; Competitive Dialogue; Contract to Supply; Costs; Culture; Delivering Value; Development Lifecycles; Effectiveness; Efficiency; Estimating; Effort; Evidence-based Decision-Making; Enterprise Architecture; Ethics; Executive Coaching; Five Capital Model; FPA; Functionality; Functional Size Measurement; Governance; Goals; GQM; Holistic organisation; ICT; Improvement; Integrated Teams; ISO; ITIL; IT Services; Kanban; Knowledge Transfer; LAMDA; Leadership; Lean; Learning Organisation; Management; Measurement; Metrics; Methods; Models; Network Organisations; Outsourcing; Outcome-Based Agreements; Output-based contracts; People; Performance; Process; Procurement; Productivity; Professionalism; Project Management; Project Performance; Quality; Quantitative Evaluation; Requirements; Resource Management; Rightshifting; Risk; Scrum; Six Sigma; Skills; Software Size; Stakeholder Value; Success; Supply Chain Management; Supplier Management; Sustainability; Synthesis; Systems; Systems Thinking; Teams; Technology; Testing; Time-to-market; Tools; Transformation; Trouble-shooting; True North; Value; Value Streams; Value Stream Mapping; Velocity; Waste; xTreme Programming.

What’s New

DCG-SMS Webinar: Outcome Based Metrics 9th July 2013. Alan Cameron considers how project metrics need to change to keep pace with today's approaches to applications development.
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DCG-SMS Webinar: Contracting for Agile
17th September 2013. Susan Atkinson of Keystone Law considers how the approach to contracting for software needs to change to leverage the business advantages of Agile.
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