Lean-Agile transformation

What do we do?

DCG-SMS offers the know-how to guide  businesses, individuals and teams through a successful, sustainable Lean-Agile transformation of the whole technology infrastructure.

Effective systems deliver more than four times more value for money compared to the norm. They delight their customers and other stakeholders. They attract and retain good staff. They demand and get high quality, high value, service from their suppliers. They are more stable and sustainable. Their performance is robust and consistent in the face of changing economic circumstances. Productivity is high (80% compared to an average of 20%) and waste is low (20% compared to an average of 80%).

If that’s the kind of organisation you’d like to be, we can help you get there. We use proven and effective methods of building knowledge and capability to enable you to make the change rapidly and sustainably.

Find out more about what we offer in terms of:

  • Agile
  • Lean IT
  • Marshall Model of Organisation Evolution
  • Rightshifting Organisational Effectiveness

How do we do it?

DCG-SMS has applied lean and agile thinking to develop a three-year improvement programme which will transform process effectiveness by a factor of x 4. We takes a scientific, analytic approach to achieving business improvement goals, integrating practical experience and lessons learned from tried & tested sources.

About you: This programme is about your people achieving your improvement objectives. DCG-SMS provides knowledgeable independent support, advice, coaching and training to ensure you have the skills and the know-how to get where you need to be, quickly, without wasting time and resources. The biggest hurdle is getting started. The external support needed is typically heaviest at the beginning of the programme. As  behaviours consistent with continuous change and improvement become embedded in your organisational culture, the need for external specialists is limited to specific areas of training or expertise.

High Value: We start by working with you to quantify business goals and determine the critical success factors. The route by which these goals will be achieved is developed iteratively in a series of “sprints”, run every 2-4 weeks. At the start of each sprint, the improvement priorities are reconsidered, enabling the  programme to adapt to changing business circumstances. Commitments of effort and expenditure can be similarly reviewed each sprint and varied as the client thinks is desirable.

Low risk: Measureable stakeholder value is delivered at the end of each sprint. The iterative improvement activity maintains a high output of value and a low cost profile, with defined goals and budgets for each sprint. If budgets are very tight and cost reduction is a priority, improvement may be self-funding, paying for further improvement from savings realised. Your management team always remain in control of the risks, the budget, and the objective and direction of the work. You can decide to end the programme at any point.

Compliant: Quality models and standards may be used as guides and reference points; assessment and certification can be incorporated into the improvement activity.

Why work with DCG-SMS?

DCG-SMS has been working with business and IT teams to deliver measurement-driven improvement since 1995. We have extensive knowledge of the software development process. We have always been in the forefront of current best practice and are pioneers of  Lean IT and Agile methods.  We are independent of tools, methods and standards. We have no other interests to satisfy except delivering the right results for our clients.

Case studies:

Changing Attitudes Improving Efficiency Presentation  to EuroSPI Conference by Jill Pritchet (DCG-SMS) and Dominic Michell (Serco)

LIT Enabling Business Growth Presentation  to the European SEPG Conference by Grant Rule (DCG-SMS) and Gordon Currie (Liberty IT)

Maersk_CMMIL1-L3: Business Focused SPI Presentation to the European SEPG Conference by Grant  Rule (DCG-SMS) and Flemming Frederiksen (Maersk Data Services)

What’s New

DCG-SMS Webinar: Outcome Based Metrics 9th July 2013. Alan Cameron considers how project metrics need to change to keep pace with today's approaches to applications development.
Register. >>

DCG-SMS Webinar: Contracting for Agile
17th September 2013. Susan Atkinson of Keystone Law considers how the approach to contracting for software needs to change to leverage the business advantages of Agile.
Register >> 

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DCG-SMS Webinar Archive
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Every CIO's Guide to Risk Management
Click here for presentations from the Executive Seminar held at the British Library on 18th April 2012
Click here for presentations from the following events:-
  • Application Lifecycle M'ment Forum
  • Lean & Agile Seminars
  • Enterprise Architecture Forum

  • Business Measurement and Improvement Forum
    Click here for presentations from DCG-SMS Forums
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